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Accessible Services for Colleges, Customer Service Standards


Training Requirements

This training is a legal requirement of the Customer Service Standard and must be completed by January 1, 2010.

The Standard requires training to be provided on serving people with disabilities as well other topics outlined in the standard.

Staff person viewing e-learning module on computer.

Here is a complete list of the training topics:

  • Purposes of the Act.
  • Requirements of the Customer Service Standard.
  • Serving customers with disabilities.
  • Service animals.
  • Support persons.
  • Assistive devices.
  • If there are difficulties accessing your services

The training requirement applies to front-line staff serving people with disabilities and to staff involved in developing related customer service policies, practices, and procedures.

The training must be delivered as soon as it is reasonable after starting a job or new duties. If changes occur to policies, practices, and procedures on serving people with disabilities, updated training must be offered to staff.

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