Adaptive Technology Resources SNOW is an Education Service of The Adaptive Technology Resource Centre.
Web Accessibility Resources
Resources for Faculty
General Disability Resources This website is an opportunity for people with disabilities and the broader community to engage in dialogue around issues that matter to all of us. Communicating with and about people with disabilities Bridging the gap between employers and people with disabilities Queen’s University Library Services for students with disabilities
Mental Health Resources A guide to college and university for students with psychiatric disabilities
Resources in Support of the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Ontario Regulation 429/07 Accessibility Standards for Customer Service: Summary of Requirements Highlights in clear language what organizations need to know about the standard to comply. Guide to the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Explains the formal meaning of the regulation and provides some examples to help describe its interpretation. Compliance Manual: Accessibility Standards for Customer Service A "how to" manual that offers compliance assistance information to obligated organizations. Training Resource: Accessibility Standards for Customer Service A resource to assist organizations meet the training requirements of the customer service standard. Serve-Ability: Transforming Ontario 's Customer Service An e-learning course to help you better serve customers with different disabilities and help organizations meet the legal obligations under the customer service standard. Questions and Answers about the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Direct link to the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Ontario Regulation 429/07
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 Questions and Answers About the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 Direct link to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 For the latest news and announcements on the accessibility standards under the AODA: Have a question about the AODA or the customer service standard? Call the AODA Contact Centre (ServiceOntario). Acts as the central point of contact for questions about the AODA and compliance with the standards. Toll-Free: 1-866-515-2025 TTY: 416-325-3408 / 1-800-268-7095 Fax: 416-325-3407 Videos addressing accessibility: George Brown College's policy on alternate format material
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Thanks for joining me for the course “Accessible Customer Service.” I’m Marc your instructor. Before we begin, let me tell you how you can get the most out of this e-learning journey on serving customers with disabilities.
It’s important to know that training like the one we are about to start is a legal requirement under the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. The act became law in 2005.
Under the act is a regulation, known as Ontario Regulation 429-07, Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, which became law in January 2008. This regulation is about making customer service accessible for people with disabilities. From now on, we’ll call the regulation “the customer service standard,” or just “the standard” for short.
Training is a key part to this innovative standard. The standard says that you must be trained on serving customers with disabilities if you:
This training must be done as soon as it is reasonable after starting a job or duties in a business or organization.
You must receive updated training when there are any changes to policies, practices and procedures that relate to customer service for people with disabilities.
Here are the main sections of the module that you can click back to at any time: