
The Bookstore

The Bookstore is your one-stop shop for textbooks, academic supplies, Northern College apparel and clothing, gifts, and more!

Go to to browse and shop the store for all the items you may need for your studies.

Bookstore Contact Information
Phone: 705-235-7205

Textbooks & School Supplies

Find out which textbooks are required for your courses on the booklist, then browse the online Online Book Store, powered by eFollett, to purchase books, academic supplies, course materials, and much more.

Gifts & Apparel

The bookstore even has gifts and apparel like t-shirts and sweaters, so you can show your school spirit with Northern College clothing!

Shop online or at the campus store at the Timmins Campus.

Shop Now!

Shelves of textbooks at Northern College Haileybury Campus
Campus Bookstore and Northern College branded clothing at Timmins Campus
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