Leadership Development Series
This program is offered through OntarioLearn.
Develop and enhance your leadership skills to work successfully in today’s challenging, competitive and dynamic environment. Set yourself apart with Northern’s Leadership Development Series Certificate program which covers a wide range of topics and focuses on enhancing leadership, critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills.
Cost per Course
Domestic $280.70
International $632.00
NO-LD3852 – Leading Responsibly (30 Hours)
Sustainability in business is often related to profitability. Organizations now need to incorporate practices that include a more holistic approach to the responsibility corporations have to their communities and the environment. Leaders need to assess the impact of the business in an ethical and globally sustainable way using measures such as Corporate Social Responsibility and triple-bottom line accounting.
NO-LD5102 – Project Management (28 Hours)
Leadership today involves all aspects of an organization and multiple skills, duties and responsibilities. This course is designed to meet the needs of leaders in any organization who may be new to project management or who have not had formal project management training. This course provides the practical knowledge to start and complete a project successfully from a leadership perspective. You will learn how the elements of the Project Management Body of Knowledge are applied during each phase of a project’s life cycle and the implications of project management on leadership within an organization. This will help establish priorities and effectively manage your projects and project teams.
NO-LD2302 – Employment Law (30 Hours)
Employment law affects numerous human resource management activities including planning, recruiting, selection, compensation, retention, and termination of employees. The purpose of this course is to review the legal and managerial implications of employment law for human resource management. It includes the formation, terms, regulation and termination of the employment relationship. The course topics include: sources of employment law; whether individuals are employees or independent contractors; discrimination and human rights; employment standards; the duties employees owe to employers; the duties employers owe to employees; formation of the employment contract; the terms of an employment contract; privacy; termination of employment; wrongful dismissal; health and safety; workplace safety and insurance; equity issues; and how employment related information can be found on the internet.
NO-LD1152 – Communications (30 Hours)
Communication skills are essential to all aspects of life but specifically this course will address business communications. With the various technology tools available and communication mechanisms today it is important to know what is available and what mechanism should be used to communicate which message. Managing the various communication channels today requires time management and effective informal and formal communication skills. This course will cover the communication styles, mechanisms and presentation skills facilitating meetings, social marketing and ways to improve all communications.
NO-LD4602 – Managing Change (30 Hours)
Today’s leaders are often called upon to implement and support the change process. They need to be able to identify and respond to internal and external factors that will determine when and what type of change initiatives are required. Environmental scanning, identifying trends, implementing and measuring successful change are all essential to developing and managing change to the benefit of the organization. Organizational readiness and risk assessment will also be covered in the context of best practices.
NO-LD3102 – Leading Teams (30 Hours)
This course will examine the leader’s role in the development and success of teams in the workplace. Leaders will learn the differences between a group and a team, analyze various types of teams including Self Directed Work Teams, and explain how coaching and mentoring skills assist team effectiveness.
NO-LD5402 – Finance (30 Hours)
Leaders in any organization need to understand the cost of doing business. Financial documents are used to explain how money is used in a business and can be interpreted to predict an organization’s success. The ethical and effective use of financial statements and ratio calculations for forecasting and budget preparation can ensure investments or withdrawals within an organization will produce a healthy return or mitigate decline in other areas. Knowing the processes for assessing ROI, creating a budget and anticipating variances are critical in any organization in order to make effective decisions.
NO-LD2452 – Performance Management (30 Hours)
This subject will focus on performance analysis, counselling, constructive feedback, conflict resolution, performance management systems and overall strategies for performance management.
NO-LD4352 – Creative & Critical Thinking (30 Hours)
Thinking is any mental activity that helps formulate or solve a problem, make a decision, or fulfill a desire to understand. Today more than ever, leaders need to be creative and critical thinkers in order to deal with all aspects of organizational, strategic and societal situations or environments. You will learn how to think creatively and critically and apply those skills to both professional and personal situations. For leaders, fine-tuning your creative and critical thinking skills will assist you in strategic planning, decision-making and problem solving.
NO-LD1202 – Human Relations (30 Hours)
This course will provide leaders with the appropriate skills and knowledge to be able to effectively recruit personnel, train them, and manage their performance in a professional manner. Leaders will use their knowledge of the concepts of statutory and common law to conduct interviews, handle performance problems, counsel and discipline as required, plan and direct training needs assessments, methods and program delivery.

Alternative & Flexible Learning
We have been providing high-quality distance education for over a decade.
Our distance education programs allow you to complete scheduled lectures and discussions live online or complete unscheduled learning exercises and resources at any time convenient to you. This “virtual campus” allows us to provide great support from professors, facilitators, student services, advising and accommodations are all available to you to assist you through your program.
If you are interested in completing post-secondary education, but cannot commit to full time studies, our alternative and flexible learning opportunities through Continuing Education allows you to select from hundreds of courses and programs, with the ability to study on your own time. Some classes are part of full programs, and some are single courses. We also deliver Micro-credentials to help you specialize your expertise.
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