Water Operator & Treatment Training

Northern Training Division
Credential Earned: Training Certificate
Campus: Kirkland Lake
Program Length: 1-2 Day Courses

For more information about these courses, customized training options, or upcoming training dates, please contact training@northern.on.ca or 705-235-3211 ext. 2202.


This course provides operators with a better understanding of proper protocols, procedures and techniques for conducting tests and analyses as allowed for operators within the restrictions stipulated under current provincial regulations.  Participants will be provided with information to address “what can be done and how” to ensure maximum compliance and test validities.

CEUs: 0.7

This one-day course explores a wide variety of recently discovered potential contaminants that face many water supplies, and examines how various treatment options affect their removal or destruction. Many of these contaminants have recently received substantial press and have peaked public interest and concern. This course will be of interest to water treatment and distribution operators, and will also be of value to supervisory and managerial personnel, including those involves with Public Relations as well as Water Treatment.

CEUs: 0.7

What will be covered:

  • Disinfectants used in Ontario, the disinfection by products (DBPs) that they form and how the various treatment technologies, including biologically active filtration, perform on their removal or destruction;
  • The current regulatory situation regarding these contaminates;
  • Newly emerging pathogens such as enteric viruses, cyanobacteria, protozoa, gionella, mycobacterium avium complex, naegleria fowleri and others;
  • Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) and other endocrine disruptors.

This one-day course provides an overview of chlorination and disinfection concepts including available types and properties of chlorine, safe handling, storage, disinfection and emergency procedures and chlorine monitoring equipment.

CEUs: 0.7

Program Overview

  • Available types of chlorine
  • Properties of chlorine
  • Disinfection process
  • Break-point chlorination
  • Safe handling and storage procedures
  • Chlorine residual testing
  • Emergency procedures
  • Chlorine monitoring equipment such as chlorine analyzers and residual testers

This specialty course has been custom designed for plant operators or maintenance personnel. Mathematical applications will be performed as part of this course. Proficiency in math operations and unit conversions is required.

What will be covered:

  • Velocity and flow rate
  • Force; pressure and head, types of pumps and applications; basic pump components; pump performance characteristics, system characteristics, centrifugal pumps, friction losses, water hammer, cavitation, flow control and measurement; horse power and related calculations

This 2-day course was designed to bring students up to speed in their knowledge of centrifugal pumps and the systems that run them as quickly and efficiently as possible. It includes discussions on basic pump design, function and application, and was specifically created for anyone who is responsible for pump specification, installation and operating efficiency at their facility.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand and apply basic pump principles
  • Properly select the right pump & motor for the job
  • Install, start-up and commission a pump
  • Correctly align a pump and motor
  • Properly maintain pumps and pump systems
  • Properly operate a pump system
  • Read and understand what pump gauges are saying
  • Read and apply pump curve charts
  • Identify and distinguish a “pump” problem from a “system” problem
  • Identify, correct and avoid cavitation problems
  • Prevent mechanical seal failure
  • Conduct pump failure analysis so as not to repeat errors

The optional ATMT Industrial Pump Certification exam is available to be taken by participants.

Water Distribution assessments are critical in identifying existing problems as well as identifying future distribution system operational challenges. This course will show how water distribution system inspections and water main repairs can be used.

What will be covered:

  • Evaluate the prevailing conditions of various water mains system components
  • Identify the types and locations of water system defects that allow the water to leak out and cost the city money
  • Gather data needed to facilitate the rehabilitation of water systems defects
  • System inspection techniques
  • Safety considerations
  • Evaluation and date gathering

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