Asbestos Abatement Training

Northern Training Division
Credential Earned: Training Certificate
Campus: Kirkland Lake
Program Length: 1-3 days

We offer the following courses for Asbestos Abatement Worker Training

  • Type 1 & 2 Asbestos Abatement Worker Training
  • Type 3 Asbestos Abatement Worker Training
  • Type 3 Asbestos Abatement Supervisory Training

Please review the specifications of each training option.

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Type 1 & 2 Asbestos Abatement Worker Training

Course Overview

This course is intended for those who will perform Type 1 and/or Type 2 asbestos work operations. Please note: the scope of this course is not sufficient for performing Type 3 asbestos work.

This course meets the training requirements under Section 19 of Ontario Regulation 278/05 for performing Types 1 & 2 asbestos work.


Course Outline

In this course you will learn about:

  • Uses & common types of asbestos-containing materials (ACM) in buildings
  • Health effects of asbestos exposure
  • Ontario Regulation 278/05
  • Owner and contractor responsibilities
  • Classification of Asbestos Operations
  • Measures and procedures for Types 1 &2 Asbestos Operations
  • Personal hygiene and personal protective equipment for Types 1 & 2 Asbestos Operations (including training on respirator use & care)
  • Regulatory requirements for asbestos waste transportation and disposal

This course also includes:

  • Various demo items, including asbestos material samples and equipment used in Types 1&2 asbestos work
  • A “hands-on” practical exercise: construction of a Type 2 enclosure
  • Respirator fit testing for each participant

For all to attend or those who will only perform type 1 & 2 asbestos work

Important: In order to fit tested for a respirator, an individual must be clean-shaven where the respirator seals to the face (this includes no beard, goatee, or significant stubble).

Type 3 Asbestos Abatement Worker Training

Course Overview

This course is intended for those who will perform Type 3 asbestos work operations. The course content follows the curriculum set by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD) for the Type 3 Asbestos Abatement Worker Training Program (AAW 253W) to prepare the participants to write the AAW 253W exam.

The MLITSD’s curriculum for this course does not cover training for performing Types 1 or 2 asbestos work. Please refer to Section 12 of Ontario Regulation 278/05 for the specific classifications of asbestos work operations or contact us if you require guidance.


Course Outline
In this course you will learn about:

  • Uses and common types of asbestos-containing materials (ACM) in buildings
  • Health effects of asbestos exposure
  • Ministry of Labour Regulation 278/05
  • Regulatory requirements for asbestos waste transportation and disposal
  • Other provincial health & safety legislation relevant to Type 3 asbestos work
  • Other hazards in Type 3 asbestos work
  • Measures & procedures, personal protective equipment, and decontamination (hygiene) practices for Type 3 asbestos work.

This course also includes:

  • Various demonstration items, including asbestos material samples and equipment used in Type 3 asbestos work
  • A mock exam, fashioned in a similar format to the MLITSD’s exam, to provide participants with a “dry run” in preparation for taking the exam at a college or university

Type 3 Asbestos Worker (253W) course – for all to attend (Type 1 and 2 Asbestos Abatement Worker Training is mandatory).


Important Requirements:

  • Prior to the course, it is essential that the employer register as a “Signing Authority” with the MLITSD (otherwise the training may be deemed void). Contact your local MLITSD office to arrange this.
  • The MLITSD’s AAW 253W exam is administered separately at Ontario colleges. Documentation for taking the exam consists of paperwork provided by the MLITSD and Pinchin’s course certificate.


Type 3 Asbestos Abatement Supervisory Training

Course Overview

This course is intended for those who will be supervisors in Type 3 asbestos work operations. The course content follows the curriculum set by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD) for the Type 3 Asbestos Abatement Supervisor Training Program (AAS 253S) to prepare the participants to write the AAS 253S exam.

This course is separate from the MLITSD ’s Type 3 Asbestos Abatement Worker course.


Course Outline

In this course you will learn about:

  • Regulatory knowledge required by a Type 3 supervisor to ensure compliance and safety of workers
  • The equipment, layout and setup requirements for Type 3 work areas
  • The personal protective equipment used in Type 3 work and the inspection & maintenance that they require.
  • Requirements for worker training, awareness about hazards, and respirator fit testing
  • Type 3 supervisor’s role in communicating site-specific emergency response plans
  • Type 3 supervisor’s role in communicating with internal and external groups

This course also includes:

  • Scenarios for interactive discussions to apply the lesson’s learned.

Type 3 Asbestos Supervisor (253S) course – for all to attend (Type 2 Asbestos Worker 253W is mandatory)


Important Requirements:

  • Prior to the course, it is essential that the employer register as a “Signing Authority” with the MLITSD (otherwise the training may be deemed void). Contact your local MLITSD office to arrange this.
  • The MLITSD’s AAW 253S exam is administered separately at Ontario colleges. Documentation for taking the exam consists of paperwork provided by the MLITSD and Pinchin’s course certificate. Basics of Construction Supervision, or equivalency is a pre-requisite for the exam.


Northern Training Division

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