

Micro-credentials indicate that you have developed skills to perform a specific workplace task.

Micro-credentials are offered completely online and at your own pace.

Some micro-credentials are standalone courses to earn a badge, while others can be grouped into a specific Micro-Qualification (MQ) certificate.

Working with Children in Education & Community Services

Child Welfare Micro-Credentials

child holding adults' hards

Expand your knowledge of Child Welfare to strengthen your expertise and skills in your field.

Designed for professionals working in the field of community services, our Child Welfare micro-credential courses provide a comprehensive overview of Ontario’s Child Welfare system and equips child protective services workers with specialized training.

Child Welfare Micro-Credentials

Educational Support Worker (ESW)

Educational Support Worker Program at Northern College - ECE worker with a young boy helping with homework

Further develop your skills and training as an Education Assistant to provide the best support possible to children with exceptional education needs.

The Educational Support Worker micro-credential offers focused training for those working with children with exceptionalities, including courses in child development, classroom management, and assistive devices.

ESW Micro-Credentials

Farm & Large Animal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians

Vet tech from Northern College working with cattle on farm

Gain specialized training to differentiate your practice as a Veterinary Technician focusing on large animals and farm settings.

The Large Animal Medicine micro-credentials are designed by leading industry experts to provide additional training and experience for Veterinary Technicians focusing their practice with large animals and in farm settings. Each micro-credential of the program is concluded with a three-day in-person Farm School in Haileybury, Ontario.

Micro-credentials offered include:

  • VT5011 – Dairy Cattle Health
  • VT5031 – Beef Cattle Care
  • VT5061 – Swine / Pig Care

Large Animal Medicine Micro-Credentials

Contact Us

Not sure where to start? For questions about our micro-credentials, please contact NCMicro@northern.on.ca.

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