International Applicants
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP)
Northern College is making it easier to choose your new program by adding Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) codes to the program information on the college website. These CIP codes are listed on the specific programs under Programs & Courses.
Please note that not all CIP codes associated with Northern’s programs are included on the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s (IRCC) Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) Eligibility CIP code list. Additionally, IRCC’s list of eligible programs may be updated occasionally without notice.
Students and agents are encouraged to look up the CIP code for their chosen Northern College program on our website and then search this code under the “Field of Study Requirements” section on IRCC’s website to verify PGWP eligibility.
For international students who submitted their study permit application before November 1, 2024, there are no field of study requirements, but they must meet the English proficiency requirement.
For applications submitted on or after November 1, 2024, students must meet both the English proficiency requirement and graduate from an eligible field of study to qualify for PGWP.
International Credential Assessments
An Assessment Report is required, describing your level of education completed internationally for Comparable Canadian Standards. Northern College would prefer ICAS Assessment Reports as all levels of education – secondary, post-secondary and technical – can be assessed. Northern College will recognize and accept Assessment Reports from the following Service Providers: