Projects & Case Studies

Applied Research, Entrepreneurship & Innovation

The Department of Applied Research, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (AREI) hosts the Innovation Hub to conduct innovative product, process, and service prototyping and testing that enhances industry competitiveness and boosts regional economic development while serving as an experiential learning and resource hub for our students and the broader community.

Applied Research Projects

Earthmoving Bucket Tooth

Northern College’s Innovation Hub recently completed the 3D print of a bucket tooth for the local Timmins company Bucket Shop. The Bucket Shop repairs and produces cast lip and heal assemblies while also offering industry and businesses innovative designs to improve effectivity. Knowing about the Innovation Hub’s ability to 3D print a variety of items for businesses and industries, the Bucket Shop requested the Innovation’s Hub assistance in printing their prototype. This 3D print project, which was led by the AREI’s research officer, Keith Delaurier, was a prototype intended to showcase the new change of design for earthmoving buckets. The conceptualized prototype greatly improves productivity for industry and businesses throughout the field.

Based upon a conceptualized model conceived by Metalogenia (MTG), the Innovation Hub printed the model by using Markforged Mark II printer using Precision PLA. This took place in our 3D printing lab, which features numerous 3D printers with varying capabilities. Unlike a steel model, the printed design was advantageous because it offered a genuine presentation of the new model, which could be easily transported to various conferences for showcase. The 3D printed model also easily enables individuals to inspect and handle the prototype. In fact, the Bucket Shop brought the bucket tooth model to the 2022 Central Canada Resource Expo in Thunder Bay as part of the conference’s objective to highlight advancements in resource technologies. The light weight of the prototype enabled easy transportation in flight. Accordingly, this 3D printing capacity at the Innovation Hub is beneficial to all companies and industries across Northern Ontario.

Following the success of the print, the model will go into production for subsequent use for companies and industries that depend upon innovative earthmoving technology, especially as it relates to resource extraction. Accordingly, the Innovation Hub’s contribution supported the Bucket Shop’s invention and encouraged the economic growth across the region. The Bucket Shop was very pleased with the success of the project and the appeal it had to conference attendees. As part of this success, the Bucket Shop and the Innovation Hub will be moving forward on more projects in the future. As part of the Innovation Hub’s ability to provide this support across the Northern Ontario region, the Innovation Hub plans to expand its 3D printing infrastructure to more greatly contribute to communities, businesses, and industries.

Photo of project by the Bucket Shop at the Innovation Hub at Northern College
Photo of project by the Bucket Shop at the Innovation Hub at Northern College
Xglo project at AREI Innovation Hub at Northern College

X-Glo Lighting Product Development

X-Glo requested us to develop a control system that would control the luminance of their LED light strips within 100 meters of a mining tunnel entry/exit. Inadequate lighting at the tunnel entry/exits statistically increases the chances of accidents around these areas. As a result of the teamwork of faculty, a student and a AREI research officer, Northern College have developed electronics, software, the enclosure (3D printed) and the telecommunications for an innovative variable lighting system for the entrance to underground mines.

Improving Impact Resistance of Underground Hard Hat PPE

This project is set to improve the suspension liner in hard hats and reducing injuries. Designing the suspension to CSA [5] and ANSI [1] standards.

Northern College Students

XRF Technology In The North

An X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) analyzer is used to identify elements and minerals in the field. This project determined if the XRF can identify critical elements in the unique geology of the Cambrian shield using analytical data.

Northern College student outdoor mining

Mineral Detection Using Light Measurement

Mineral Insight is a visible light optical device created to detect minerals with a single 90-second measurement on a variety of samples such as drill core, crushed rock, pulps, sand and similar material. This project investigated how the tool can measure the two-dimensional surface-concentration of gold alloys and minerals and use this information to provide an estimate of the metal and mineral concentrations of a sample.

Northern College Students in class at Haileybury campus - mining

Welding Steel with Mill Scale

There are many detrimental effects caused by mill scale. It can reduce surface quality, and reduce the weldability of the material. The welding process used in this technical project will be the gas metal arc welding.

Projects & Case Studies

Saw Weld Procedure

Small advances have been made to increase productivity and quality in SAW. This project was done to increase productivity further, while still meeting the quality standards as per ASME section IX.

Projects & Case Studies at Northern College

Low Energy Welding Process

To develop a proven welding procedure using low energy welding process to repair magnesium alloys. Will investigate the effects of multiple welding parameters on the ability to create sound weld joints with acceptable mechanical properties.

Projects & Case Studies

Projection Welds of Boron Steel

This research project aimed to find a new process for projection welding of boron steel to increase the durability and hardness, as well as cost-effective ways to achieve adequate weld strength.


Repair Welds of White Irons

A Cold Metal Transfer (CMT) short-circuit Metal Inert Gas (MIG) brazing process from Fronius, and appropriate filler metal will be examined as an added repair process to be used subsequently to oxy-acetylene powder brazing of the repair zone.

Projects & Case Studies at Northern College

FRP In Skip Mining

The purpose of the project was to test and assess the tensile strength of connections made using Extren 625 (fibre-reinforced) composite plating relative to that of conventional mining skip panel joints.

Projects & Case Studies at Northern College
Northern College students in Engineering class

Underground Communication Network

Northern College Electrical students created a wireless and self-healing ZigBee (an off-the-shelf transceiver module) mesh network to be used for underground communications. The prototypes were tested underground for coverage, spacing, and the maintaining of connection.

Develop Procedure to Test Cast Iron Parts Using Ultrasonic Testing Equipment

A procedure was developed and tested to improve casting methods that will reduce costs while ensuring quality. The project proposed a solution to change the casting process by altering the process of adding magnesium and by using Ultrasonic Testing Equipment and metallurgical methods to determine strength.

Demostration-in-Welding-Lab-cropped at Northern College

Water Containment Tool

The Handy Hydrant product has been a successful tool for firefighting in remote areas. The containment unit has the potential also to be used as a potable water source during emergencies. The research was conducted to determine if the Handy Hydrant is capable of storing and retaining clean water.

Northern College Students with a Handy Hydrant

Chain Conveyor Alignment and Reliability

This chain conveyor, that moves shredded wood from one area of the mill to another, required a solution as the conveyor would un-sync and cause damage and lost time. This project will help develop a sensor system to detect when the conveyor is in trouble.

GP Chain Drive Current Alignment monitoring

Marketing with 3D Printing

Major companies have adopted 3D printing; this project will research the possibility of using 3D printed objects as a marketing tool for an SME in the local market. 3D printing has the potential of being cheaper and faster with complete customization of marketing products.

Projects & Case Studies at Northern College

Underground CMS Buggy

This project will develop an automated Cavity Monitoring System (CMS) unit. The CMS provided underground scanning in areas that are considered too dangerous or confined for workers to enter. The research will upgrade the manual system into an automated unmanned system.

manual buggy for Geosight

Compression Testing for Gloves

This project will create a reliable method of testing and analyzing impact capacity of safety gloves. The gloves are designed to provide the ultimate hand protection while not compromising dexterity levels. The research will develop a standard measurement for impact which does not currently exist.

Safety equipment

Joining Architectural Brass

This project will investigate welding methods for architectural brass (Brass 385) alloy, to create a seamless, high-quality finish that can be used in high-end window framing. This material is easy to machine and provides a wide range of options for finish colours. The project will investigate heat input to decrease the depletion of the zinc alloy elements and develop a welding procedure that will produce structurally sound, aesthetically pleasing joints while minimizing prep time and labour costs.

welding frame at Northern College

Welding Cinematography

This project used a Phantom VEO 710S  high-speed camera to record and capture how changing inductance and the slope of a weld effects the bead shape, appearance and penetration. The use of high-quality videos and pictures can be used to show the impact on different welds as well, as for why and what is happening during the weld.


Employee Sharing Tool

This partnership-based research has developed to improve the local labour market conditions by collaborating with employers to establish a sustainable employee sharing agreement. The tool allows for two or more employers to share employee(s). This improves part-time and seasonal employee recruitment and retention. This tool is now hosted by the FNETB and is used across North-Eastern Ontario.

Cu-Ni Alloy

Fabrication of Cu-Ni alloys required different procedures, techniques and methodologies over traditional Iron based alloys. The development of these systems and procedures provided Lopes with the ability to manufacture an entirely new product line.

Northern College Students Welding

Scanning Technology in Mining Supplier Services

Mining supply companies are looking to add 3D scanning capabilities to their suite of offerings. The 3D scanner will be used as a technology tool to do the work that now uses human resources, resulting in significant accuracy improvements and the precision required to create drawings and products with structural integrity.

Entrepreneurial Success Stories

Mine Safety Solutions

Mine Safety Solutions is dedicated to creating innovative safety equipment for use in the mining and industrial fields. Its goal is to help mining and industry organizations achieve the highest of safety standards in the workplace, thereby reducing the number and severity of workplace injuries and protecting the well-beings of workers in Canada and beyond. While MSS focuses primarily on the mining industry, its products and services impact other sectors, including construction, manufacturing, mechanical, and many more.

Handy Hydrant

Handy Hydrant is very easy to transport and handle. For instance, if we have rural areas to go to, it comes with a pack so the other fellows can take the pump and hoses… it is very easy to setup and adapts to the uneven grounds. Where there are no hydrants, Firefighters are forced to fill a portable pool; a process that wastes precious time and manpower. Until now! The Handy Hydrant is easy to use, third party tested and effective! And what started out as a tool for firefighters has evolved into a watering system that is used in agriculture, industry and commercial settings.

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