IN1045 Cisco Networking I
Cisco Networking I is the first course of the Cisco Networking Academy CCNAv7 curriculum titled Introduction to Networks (ITN). Introduction to Networks is one of three courses that are aligned to the CCNA Certification Exam. ITN contains 17 modules, each with a series of topics. In Introduction to Networks, the student will gain a basic understanding of the way networks operate. They will learn about network components and their functions, as well as how a network is structured, and the architectures used to create networks, including the internet. ITN is about more than learning networking concepts. By the end of this course, the student will be able to build local area networks (LANs), configure basic settings on routers and switches, and implement internet protocol (IP). In ITN, every concept that the student learns and skills that they develop will be used in the rest of the CCNA curriculum.
70 Hours