Indigenous Council on Education

The Northern College Indigenous Council on Education (NCICE)

Northern College’s mission is to excel in quality, accessible education through innovative programs, services and partnerships for the benefit of our northern communities. Our mission is to work with all our communities to ensure quality, accessible education through innovative programs, services and partnerships.

The Northern College Indigenous Council on Education (NCICE) acts as a voice for the Indigenous community and a leader in ensuring that the education needs of the Indigenous community are identified, addressed, evaluated, and assessed.

Indigenous Pow wow at Northern College Timmins Campus

Strategy Statement

Northern College is pleased to announce that it has commenced the process of stakeholder engagement consultations that will greatly benefit and assist in the development of the College’s Indigenous Services and Initiatives Strategy.

Northern College’s educational programs and services strive to provide a transformative experience, expand knowledge, nurture analytical thinking and inspire creativity and innovation. In developing its Indigenous Services and Initiatives Strategy, Northern College aims to close the educational gap that will benefit not only Indigenous graduates, but also their communities, Northern College, and the Province of Ontario as a whole.


Kim Bird Chair & Board of Governors Member
Mitch Dumas Northern College President
Christina Kioke Vice Chair
Vacant Elder (non-voting)
Vacant Elder (non-voting)
Kaylan Innes Student Representative
Debbie Ross Mushkegowuk
Vacant Matawa
Brianna Moore Open Seat
Laura Flood Open Seat
Jillian Plaunt Open Seat
Jennifer Constant Open Seat
Marnie Sutherland Open Seat
Lillian Trapper Open Seat
Sacha Dolbec Metis Nation of Ontario
Vacant Wabun
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