Sexual Violence Prevention

Sexual Violence Prevention

All members of the Northern College community have a right to work and study in an environment that is free from any form of sexual violence and sexual harassment.

Northern College aims to ensure that those affected by sexual violence and sexual harassment are believed and appropriately accommodated and ensures, that the College has a process of investigation that protects the rights of individuals and holds individuals who have committed an act of sexual violence or sexual harassment accountable.

Below you will find resources for seeking support that are available to you and options to file a report.

Reporting An Incident & Seeking Support

It is often difficult to disclose and report incidents of sexual violence or harassment. It is entirely up to you if you choose to report the incident; however, we strongly encourage you to do so.

All reported incidents of sexual violence will be investigated to the best of the administration’s ability and in a manner that ensures due process. Sexual assault, sexual violence and sexual harassment and are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. We are committed to challenging and preventing sexual violence and creating a safe space for anyone in our College community who has been affected by sexual violence and sexual harassment.

For more information, please refer to:

If you have experienced or have been affected by sexual violence/harassment and require support and accommodation, the College will assist you by providing the resources and support you need.

For STUDENTS please contact a Student Advisor or Campus Manager at:

  • Timmins Campus: 705-235-3211 ext. 2232
  • Kirkland Lake Campus: 705-567-9291 ext. 3603
  • Haileybury Campus: 705-672-3376 ext. 8810
  • Moosonee Campus: 705-336-2913 ext. 5601

For EMPLOYEES please contact your Supervisor or the Human Resource Services (HRS) department at

A number of other resources are available to you. Please see Community Resources, below.

The individuals listed above can also assist you with filing a complaint. If the alleged perpetrator is another member of the College community, you may file a complaint.

Please note that you are not required to file a formal complaint to obtain supports, services or appropriate accommodation from the college.

If you have experienced sexual violence/harassment you may also wish to press charges under the Criminal Code. These individuals can also assist you with contacting the local Police.

More information on filing a complaint can be found in the Violent Incident Report Form [PDF, 1.3 MB].

If you witness sexual violence/harassment, and if the situation presents imminent and serious danger, call 911 immediately.

You may also contact the individuals listed below who will assist you by providing resources and necessary support.

For STUDENTS please contact a Student Advisor or Campus Manager at:

  • Timmins Campus: 705-235-3211 ext. 2232
  • Kirkland Lake Campus: 705-567-9291 ext. 3603
  • Haileybury Campus: 705-672-3376 ext. 8810
  • Moosonee Campus: 705-336-2913 ext. 5601

For EMPLOYEES please contact your Supervisor or the HRS Policy Coordinator at

All College Community members including contractors have a duty to immediately report all incidents and suspected incidents of sexual violence/harassment.

Students are strongly encouraged to report incidents of sexual violence/harassment, but do not need to report incidents of sexual violence/harassment to obtain supports, services or accommodations from the college.

All members of the College Community who have witnessed sexual violence/harassment have a duty to cooperate with a College investigation.

Employees are required to immediately report the alleged incident to a Supervisor or to a Human Resource Services Administrator.

A person may choose to confide in someone about an act of sexual violence/harassment, such as a student, or employee. An individual who has experienced sexual violence/harassment may also disclose to an employee when seeking support and/or work/academic accommodation.

If disclosure is made to faculty or staff by a student seeking support or academic accommodation, the faculty or staff should refer the student to a Student Advisor, and work with the Student Advisor to ensure that the student receives all necessary academic and other accommodations.

If faculty or staff of the College becomes aware of an allegation of sexual violence/harassment against another member of the College community, the faculty or staff is required to immediately report the alleged incident to a Supervisor or the Human Resource Services department.

Where a complaint of sexual violence/harassment has been reported to the College, the College will exercise care to protect and respect the rights of both the complainant and the respondent. The College understands that individuals who have experienced sexual violence/harassment may wish to control whether and how their experience will be dealt with by the police and/or the College. In most circumstances, the person will retain this control. A person who has experienced sexual violence/harassment may choose not to request an investigation and has the right not to participate in any investigation that may occur.

In certain circumstances, however, the College may be required to initiate an internal investigation and/or inform the police of the need for a criminal investigation, even without the person’s consent, if the College believes that the safety of other members of the College community are at risk. The confidentiality and anonymity of the person(s) affected will be prioritized in these circumstances.

A report of sexual violence/harassment may also be referred to the police, or to other community resources at the complainant’s request, where the persons involved are not a member of the College community or in circumstances where the College is unable to initiate an internal investigation under this Policy.

An individual who discloses their experience of sexual violence through reporting an incident of, making a complaint about, or accessing supports and services for sexual violence, will not be asked irrelevant questions during the investigation process by the college’s staff or investigators, including irrelevant questions relating to the individual’s sexual expression or past sexual history.

The College adheres to the following in investigation and making decisions about formal complaints. If an entitlement set out below conflicts with something set out in another College policy, the entitlement set out below will prevail.

For more information, please refer to:

The online reporting tool through REES allows members of our campus communities to report an incident and choose from multiple reporting options, including the ability to report anonymously.

Go to and select Northern College from the drop-down list.

Online Reporting

Northern College has partnered with REES (Respect, Educate, Empower Survivors) to provide online reporting for sexual violence on campus.

REES allows members of our campus communities to report an incident and choose from multiple reporting options, including the ability to report anonymously. REES also provides information about campus and community-based resources such as sexual assault centers, healthcare, and support services.

The platform will launch in advance of the new academic year.

Campus Contacts

Students can contact a Student Advisor or Campus Manager.

Employees can contact your Supervisor or the Human Resource Services (HRS) department at

Haileybury Campus

Campus Manager: Tammy Mackey
Phone: 705-672-3376 ext. 8810

Student Advising Services

Kirkland Lake Campus

Campus Manager: Drew Enouy
Phone: 705-567-9291 ext. 3603

Student Advising Services

Moosonee Campus

Campus Manager: Willard Small
Phone: 705-336-2913 ext. 5603

Student Advising Services
Julie Garrod:

Timmins Campus

Campus Manager: Shanna Lecuyer
Phone: 705-235-3211 ext. 2232

Student Advising Services
Room: C106

Sexual Assault Centres & Community Resources

Haileybury Campus

  • Timiskaming and District Victim Crisis Assistance and Referral Service (VCARS): 705-647-0096
  • Pavilion Crisis Support Counsellor: 1-888-871-9090 or 705-672-2128
  • Temiskaming Crisis Response Services: 1-888-665-8888
  • Victim Services: 705-647-0096


Kirkland Lake Campus

  • Timiskaming and District Victim Crisis Assistance and Referral Service (VCARS): 705-568-2154

Moosonee Campus

  • Omushkegiskwew House Moosonee Family Resource Centre: 705-336-2456


Timmins Campus

  • Timmins and Area Women in Crisis: 705-268-8380
  • Timmins Victims Services: 1-877-264-4208 or 705-360-8700,
  • Timmins Family Counselling Centre: 705-267-7333


  • Assaulted Women’s Helpline: 1-866-863-0511
  • Sexual Assault Crisis Line for Men: 1-866-887-0015
  • Good2Talk offers free, confidential support to post-secondary students in Ontario 24/7. Call 1-866-925-5454, text GOOD2TALKON to 686868.


More Sexual Health Resources, Clinics, and Consent

Video Credit: This animation has been created by Newcastle University Student Health and Wellbeing Services in collaboration with Newcastle University Students, and has taken inspiration from the work of Meg-John Barker. Animation by Stacy Bias Your Story Studio

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