Employee Training
Mandatory employee training modules are completed at https://blackboard.northernccollege.ca/.
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)
We are responsible for and dedicated to providing accessible means to information, resources, and services to all our students, staff, faculty, and visitors. All employees must complete AODA training to meet the needs of the diverse groups of people we serve.
- Blackboard Collaborate
- Blackboard – All Courses Before Fall 2019
- Blackboard – Fall 2019 Courses and Beyond
- Blackboard – Test Generator
Blackboard Training
Course Outline and Mapping System (COMMS)
Quick Links for Helping Students
More Tips, Links, and Tutorials
IT Support
Need help connecting to the college Network, Citrix, Blackboard, Collaborate or Email?
Please send an email to ITHelp@northern.on.ca or call 705-235-3211 ext. 7000.
Please note that normal hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm. All emails received outside these hours will be responded to within a 24-hour period when possible.
Employee Connect
Documentation & Support Articles:
Learning Excellence and Innovation Department
Learning Excellence and Innovation Department (LEID) offers professional development opportunities, instruction software tutorials, course development and teaching strategies.